
11 Best GED Prep Books (Our 2025 Favorite Picks) 

William Cohen
Published by William Cohen
Last Updated On: January 6, 2023

It's not easy cracking the GED exam, but it will be a feat like no other once you do. Besides passing the exam, your goal should also include getting a high score, and to do that, you need to be well-prepared. Let's start with your review materials.

With so many prep books in the market, how do you pick the best GED study book? This question has kept my team up for hours, so we've decided to do our research. In this best GED prep books review, you'll find out which study guide will help you prepare for the test in the smartest way possible.

11 Best GED Prep Books in 2022

1 - GED Test Prep Plus: 2 Practice Tests + Proven Strategies + Online (Editor's Choice)

GED Test Prep Plus

Kaplan GED Test Prep Plus is considered one of the best study guides for GED preparation as it offers a comprehensive overview of the whole subject.

The GED book contains two full-length GED practice tests and boasts an easy-to-use structure along with clear, detailed explanations on each GED test preparation practice exam.

Based on our review, Kaplan's GED test prep guide provides over 1,000 GED practice questions. It also has 60 online video tutorials.

We like that it includes instruction on how to use the Texas Instruments TI-30XS Multiview Calculator - something that will come in handy during test day. You may also make use of flash cards.

Student Score Improvement Average Largest Improvement Smallest Improvement Book Accuracy Result
1 - GED Test Prep Plus: 2 Practice Tests + Proven Strategies + Online (Editor's Choice)) 7 16 5 98%
  • Provides a good number of practice tests and questions
  • In-depth concept explanations
  • Includes a diagnostic pre-test
  • Provides a study plan for better time management
  • Includes 1000 practice questions
  • Has some editing errors

2 - GED Preparation: GED Study Guide and Strategies with Practice Test Questions for the GED Test

GED Preparation

After talking to previous test-takers, we found out that many recommend this GED study guide as one of the best companions when preparing for the GED as it offers a comprehensive and useful package.

This study material covers all four GED subjects and includes some GED practice test questions for each area.

It also provides problem-solving explanations and highlights the common mistakes made by test-takers in each subject.

We like how the chapters are well-organized, so it's easy to progress from chapter to chapter.

This makes it simple to study each lesson for more extended periods.

Student Score Improvement Average Largest Improvement Smallest Improvement Book Accuracy Result
2 - GED Preparation: GED Study Guide and Strategies with Practice Test Questions for the GED Test 8 17 4 98%
  • Chapters are well-organized
  • Highlights some common mistakes
  • GED practice test questions are similar to real exam questions
  • Concept review is not in-depth

3 - Cracking the GED Test with 2 Practice Exams

Cracking the GED Test

Cracking the GED Test by Princeton Review offers complete coverage of all four subject areas with guided lessons and sample questions.

This GED study guide includes two full-length practice tests and additional practice drills for all content areas.

It also has extra online features that include 300 practice questions, tutorials, and tips.

The GED exam tutorials can be downloaded and accessed anytime.

Based on our research and interviews with students, the section entitled  “Habit of Effective Test-takers“ can be a good and inspiring read for those thinking about taking the GED.

Student Score Improvement Average Largest Improvement Smallest Improvement Book Accuracy Result
3 - Cracking the GED Test with 2 Practice Exams 7 16 4 98%
  • Comprehensive chapter reviews
  • Includes test overviews and strategies
  • Includes 2 full-length practice tests
  • Practice questions are not similar to the exam

4 - 5 Practice Exams for the GED Test, 2nd Edition: Extra Preparation for An Excellent Score

5 Practice Exams for the GED Test

The 5 Practice Exams for the GED Test is another good supplement when reviewing for the GED.

As one of the best GED study guides, it contains 5 full-length practice tests to prepare you for the actual testing experience.

Many find this a useful companion guide for The Princeton Review Cracking the GED test.

You also get hands-on exposure to the high school equivalency test with over 830 questions, including in-depth answer explanations, so that you can diagnose your mistakes.

As an online bonus, this book offers sample extended-response essays scored at different levels and custom printable answer sheets for all 5 practice tests.

These guides will help you gauge your progress as the GED exam day is nearing.

You should read our post about how to write an essay for GED if you wish to ace this part of the exam.

Student Score Improvement Average Largest Improvement Smallest Improvement Book Accuracy Result
4 - 5 Practice Exams for the GED Test, 2nd Edition: Extra Preparation for An Excellent Score 6 14 3 97%
  • 5 complete practice tests
  • Provides 830 practice questions and detailed answers
  • Tests are shorter than the actual exams
  • Some editing errors in the prep book
  • Some topics are outside the scope of the GED

5 - How to Prepare for the GED Test, 2nd Edition

How to Prepare for the GED Test

Barron’s How to Prepare for the GED Test is one of the few GED prep books on the market that has been redesigned to reflect changes in the new computerized GED exam.

As one of the pioneers in producing courses and comprehensive review books for standardized examination, Barron's How to Prepare for the GED Test is another impressive addition to our list.

The book covers both the procedural and substantive aspects of the revised test.

It offers four full-length practice tests and diagnostic tests in an easy-to-understand format that covers the four subjects on the GED.

These features will help you determine your preparedness for the GED math test and language test so long as you diligently follow your study plan.

While doing our research, however, we found several errors in the context.

The practice tests on the CD also do not provide the actual score.

Student Score Improvement Average Largest Improvement Smallest Improvement Book Accuracy Result
5 - How to Prepare for the GED Test, 2nd Edition 8 15 5 N/A
  • Comprehensive review material
  • Contains answer explanations
  • Some practice questions are not similar to the exam

6 - Master the GED Test

Master the GED Test

Peterson’s Master The GED Test prep book provides comprehensive coverage on the essential aspects of the test.

It has been revised for the new content in the GED based on the College Board updated information.

Based on our review, this study guide begins with a diagnostic test to help you highlight your weaknesses and strengths.

It also provides easily understandable lessons on the four GED subject areas.

It includes 3 full-length practice tests and exercises for every question type.

You'll also find a guide that contains a list of commonly seen words in the exam.

One drawback that we've noticed is that there were quite a few errors in the answer key.

Student Score Improvement Average Largest Improvement Smallest Improvement Book Accuracy Result
6 - Master the GED Test 6 16 4 N/A
  • In-depth concept review
  • Includes a diagnostic test
  • Answer key contains several mistakes

7 - Preparation for the GED Test

Preparation for the GED Test

McGraw-Hill is one of the most trusted publishers as it's been a go-to resource for educators since 1917.

Most previous test-takers who are weak in math claim that this McGraw-Hill education GED test prep book is particularly helpful when it comes to problem-solving.

This guide also provides detailed explanations, reviews, and practice tests for all four GED content areas, including the language, arts, social studies, and science. It offers strategies,  tips, and two full-length tests.

You'll also find a McGraw-Hill education CD that contains useful study guides and test taking strategies.

While this review guide covers all topics, the primary focus is on the mathematical section, so you'll need a reading supplement if you plan to use this book.

Student Score Improvement Average Largest Improvement Smallest Improvement Book Accuracy Result
7 - Preparation for the GED Test 7 19 4 N/A
  • Step-by-step approach to each topic
  • Provides 1000+ practice questions
  • More emphasis on Math section only

This comprehensive GED study guide is up to date, helpful, thorough, and is a great value for your money.

8 - GED Preparation All Subjects: Exam Preparation Book & Practice Test Questions for the GED Test

GED Preparation All Subjects

This comprehensive study guide, developed by Test Prep Books, includes a quick overview, test-taking strategies, and practice questions with detailed answer explanations.

Some topics that you can also find are Reasoning through Language Arts, Writing, Mathematical Reasoning, Science, and Social Studies.

Each section of the text contains a detailed review of content that's most likely to appear on the GED test.

It delves more into the concept of each subject. Hence, this study guide is not for last-minute reviews.

Student Score Improvement Average Largest Improvement Smallest Improvement Book Accuracy Result
8 - GED Preparation All Subjects: Exam Preparation Book & Practice Test Questions for the GED Test 7 14 2 97%
  • Well-written and easy to understand
  • Good test-taking tips
  • Practice sheets not included

This GED study guide is easy to understand and well-written with many excellent test-taking tips. It's worth buying if you want to expand your GED test-taking skills.

9 - GED Preparation All Subjects Study Questions: Three Full-Length Practice Tests for GED Test Prep

GED Preparation All Subjects Study Questions

The GED Preparation All Subjects Study Questions is a study guide developed by Test Prep Books.

Like most of the top GED prep books on the list, it includes several test-taking strategies and tips that you can use as you prepare for the exam.

This study material has 3 useful practice tests that also come with answer explanations.

You'll also find a free DVD, which is an excellent companion to this GED test book.

Student Score Improvement Average Largest Improvement Smallest Improvement Book Accuracy Result
9 - GED Preparation All Subjects Study Questions: Three Full-Length Practice Tests for GED Test Prep 6 14 3 98%
  • Updated for the new format
  • Includes a free DVD
  • Only offers practice tests

10 - GED Test: REA's Total Solution for the GED Test

GED Test REA's Total Solution for the GED Test

This book from Total Solution has in-depth reviews developed by experts in each of the 4 GED test subjects:

  1. Reasoning Through Language Arts
  2. Mathematical Reasoning
  3. Science
  4. Social Studies

It comes with 4 online diagnostic exams (1 for each GED subject), with automatic scoring and instant feedback to focus your study.

It also includes practice questions and examples with 2 full-length practice exams that include detailed answer explanations.

Student Score Improvement Average Largest Improvement Smallest Improvement Book Accuracy Result
10 - GED Test: REA's Total Solution for the GED Test 5 16 4 97%
  • Has two full-length practice tests
  • Includes 4 diagnostic tests
  • Has many confusing typos

11 - Canadian GED Study Guide with Practice

Canadian GED Study Guide with Practice

Canadian GED Study Guide with Practice aims to increase your score by providing you with strategies for answering multiple-choice questions, all developed by exam experts.

Our team liked that there are 2 complete practice question sets, with over 500 questions. This means you aren’t likely to run out of practice questions anytime soon.

The practice questions aim to improve your critical thinking skills, which are crucial for passing the GED.

The practice sets will also let you know which areas you’re good at and which ones you need to work on more.

Apart from the practice sets, this GED book comes with a study guide and a study plan.

These come in handy for coming up with your study schedule and keeping you on track.

Student Score Improvement Average Largest Improvement Smallest Improvement Book Accuracy Result
11 - Canadian GED Study Guide with Practice 7 18 5 96%
  • Strategies for answering multiple-choice questions
  • Questions worded similarly to the actual exam
  • The GED guide contains some mistakes

What is the GED Test?

The General Education Development (GED) test is an examination that serves as an alternative to a high school diploma and other high school equivalency academic standardized tests.

The GED testing service aims to identify a student's high school equivalency proficiency in Mathematics, Reading, Writing, Social Studies, and Science.

The GED exam is computerized, and these modules are taken online.

Since the GED exam no longer predominantly includes multiple-choice questions, a test taker is expected to be more mindful and precise when answering the questions.

Who is the GED Exam For?

male student during an exam

The GED exam is designed for those who were unable to finish their high school education.

Since a GED certificate is equivalent to a high school diploma, successful takers may get into a college or university should they wish to pursue higher education.

Employers also accept a GED credential in lieu of a high school diploma.

Based on our research, most professionals who have taken this test will most likely have better career opportunities than those who do not hold this degree.

The GED examination is modular in nature, which means that you may take one of the four GED sub-tests at a given time and pay for that particular sub-test alone.

To prepare, you may enroll in a GED prep class.

What's the Best GED Prep Book? We Recommend...

Out of all the best GED prep books we've reviewed, there's one particular study guide that stood as the best GED prep book, and that's Kaplan GED Test Prep Plus 2020.

With two full-length GED practice tests and easy to read content, we think this can be a good study companion for your test preparation review.

There are over a thousand practice questions that you can use to test your high school knowledge and skills.

You'll also find 60 video tutorials and solid instruction on using the Texas Instruments Calculator, which will come in handy when you take the test.

Aside from Kaplan, you may also check out other GED books and choose other materials based on your preference.

We also recommend taking a GED class or GED prep course.

GED Test Prep Plus

Our #1 Recommendation

GED Test Prep Plus: 2 Practice Tests + Proven Strategies + Online

  • Provides a good number of practice tests and questions
  • In-depth concept explanations
  • Includes a diagnostic pre-test
  • Provides a study plan for better time management
  • Includes 1000 practice questions
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