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Courses Reviewed

Study Guides Reviewed

Entrance Exams Passed
A Better Approach to Course Reviews
We Get Real Students To Take A Baseline Test
First, we have real students take the examination without any preparatory work except for their normal classes.
This initial exam provides us with a solid baseline score for each student and helps us compare their strengths and weaknesses before they start a prep course.
Real Students Study Exam Prep Courses
Next, we send our students through the prep courses we want to review. They provide feedback on each course's structure and content — and their opinions on what they like and don't like about the course.
This way, we can give you well-researched, honest reviews from an actual student's perspective.
Compare & Evaluate Before and After Test Results
Finally, we have our students retake the exam and get new scores. Using this method, we learn not only which courses increased average scores the most, but also which courses contributed to the greatest improvement in specific subsections.
Now, you can select the prep course that is perfect for you.
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