If you like studying at your own pace and have the time to do so, Testmasters GRE Test Prep Course might be a suitable option for you. Many colleagues claim to find this course helpful, but we’re not convinced just yet. In this Testmasters GRE Test Prep course review, you’ll find out if it could be your key to getting a Master's degree.
What is the Testmasters GRE Prep Course?

The Testmasters GRE Course is a GRE preparatory course with a unique approach to studying, with three studying options, namely: in a physical classroom, a private 1-on-1 study, or online.
All three cover the same material, so you only need to worry about which method you find most comfortable. They claim to cover more material than other review courses.
The classroom and the private 1-on-1 course are both live. The following is a list of the materials that you can expect to get from all three studying options:
- Testmasters has a total of 12 classes.
- The course guarantees a 10-point score increase on your GRE (after taking the diagnostic test or from your previous GRE score if you already have one).
- The review gives over 1200 pages of GRE review course material.
- They also give practice sessions and mock exams to harness test-taking skills.
4 Course Benefits and Highlights
Taking the GRE is nerve-wracking, primarily since it determines your chances of getting into a graduate school. There are no secrets to GRE success; there is only hard work. We believe having a useful course review and a few test day study tips can help you prepare better and boost your chances of succeeding.
If you enroll in the Testmasters GRE Prep Course Review, you can expect to get the following benefits:
1. Unique course methodology
As emphasized above, the Testmasters course has a unique approach to how students can choose which methodology to use for the review. All three methods have equal coverage, and thus you can rest easy in going for whatever you think will suit your preference.
2. Longer hours of studying
Students who take the Testmasters course dedicate 36 hours to studying the GRE, a number slightly higher than other classes. You get to prepare more, which could spell the difference between getting your target score and failing to do so.
Recommended Article: How Long Does it Take to Prepare for the GRE?
3. Affordable group option available
The course itself is a pricier option than other review courses, but you can get your way around this by enrolling with friends. Testmasters has group discount options available, which you can use to create the study group that helps with accountability and budgeting.
4. Lots of practice questions
The material used for reviewing is 1200 pages long, significantly longer than other courses in the market. The implication is that the Testmasters GRE Prep course review covers more material than others. And, since practice makes perfect, you might have a better chance of getting your target score with more material to practice.
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Any Shortfalls?

Just like any other review course, however, Testmasters also has its shortfalls. These points are compiled from our team’s extensive research so you can make a more informed decision when choosing your review.
Pricier option
If you compare the prices of other GRE review courses and materials to the Testmasters GRE course, the latter is pricier. However, Testmasters claim that you get more in exchange for a slight increase in the cost. Based on our review, the class is longer and more comprehensive than others, which may make it worth shelling the extra dollars.
There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work learning from failure.
- General Colin Powell, former United States Secretary of State.
It may take too much time.
If you do not have much time to spare for studying, the 36 hours that Testmasters demand from students may not be ideal for you. But, keep in mind that the GRE determines your first step in getting that coveted Master's degree. If you are serious about your goal, you can find your way around the long hours spent studying under Testmasters.
Real Student Results from Taking the Testmasters GRE Prep Course
We wanted to find out whether there was a real difference in students’ GRE test scores after taking the Testmasters GRE prep course.
Accordingly, we tested students with a GRE prep test before and after taking the Testmasters GRE prep course. We obtained each student’s Quantitative Reasoning and Verbal Reasoning results from each test and compared them to determine a percentage improvement.
Completing the Testmasters GRE prep course only produced a small increase in student GRE test results. For example, one student achieved a 6.1% improvement in score, while another saw less than a 6% improvement.

How Accurate Is The Testmasters GRE Prep?
To put the Testmasters GRE prep to the test, we decided to take both the official GRE and the Testmasters prep. Here are our results:
- Testmasters prep: 168 Quant, 160 Verbal
- GRE: 169 Quant, 162 Verbal
(Test score
GRE Test
(Test score
GRE Test
As you can see, the estimated scores for the Testmasters GRE are quite accurate, give or take a few points.
Is the Testmasters GRE Prep Course Worth It?
Our research has good things to share about the Testmasters GRE Prep course. Most previous students we’ve talked to attest to have entered their dream graduate schools after getting good GRE scores. However, our research has revealed that Magoosh review classes have more merits, making them a better option.
We like how Magoosh provides a user-friendly dashboard and easy-to-follow instructions for both comprehensive and last-minute study strategies. The lesson plans and practice tests are also clear and well-structured, making it easier to manage your time.
After weighing your options, check out Magoosh and get started with your enrollment now.
Our #1 Recommendation
Magoosh GRE Prep
- The dashboard is easy to use with recommendations for study focus points
- Easy to follow written and video instruction
- Offers a score predictor to help you assess your progress
- Good for both comprehensive and last-minute study
- Structured with clear and flexible lesson plans
- Get the BEST PRICE until the end of February

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