
6 Best TEAS Study Guides (2025's Research-Based Updated)   

Jordan Coleman
Published by Jordan Coleman
Last Updated On: October 2, 2022

Do you want to feel confident on your test day? Then investing in a TEAS study guide is your best bet.

But I’d be lying if I said that all guides prepare you for the TEAS exam. Some are downright awful. I reviewed 50+ guides and settled on the five best options for you.

Table of Contents
Editor's Choice
ATI TEAS secrets study guide: teas 6 complete study manual
ATI TEAS Secrets Study Guide
Scoring Improvement Rating
Study Guide Accuracy
Overall Score
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#2nd Best Choice
ATI TEAS 6 Full Study Guide
ATI TEAS 6 Full Study Guide
Scoring Improvement Rating
Study Guide Accuracy
Overall Score
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#3rd Best Choice
ATI TEAS 6 study guide: spire study system and ATI TEAS VI test prep guide
Spire Study System & ATI TEAS VI Test Prep Guide
Scoring Improvement Rating
Study Guide Accuracy
Overall Score
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6 Best TEAS Study Guides

1 - ATI TEAS Secrets Study Guide

ATI TEAS secrets study guide: teas 6 complete study manual

This TEAS study guide offers an incredibly thorough TEAS practice. It consists of four sections that cover reading, mathematics, science, and English and language usage. I can’t imagine a more comprehensive review.

Besides that, it includes plenty of practice questions and detailed answer explanations. In my opinion, getting an explanation as to why an answer is correct is an extremely useful test preparation strategy.

Inside the guide, you’ll also get links to additional online resources, i.e. review videos recorded by professional instructors. They break down the topics and guide you through tasks.

Student Score Improvement Average Largest Improvement Smallest Improvement Book Accuracy Result
1 - ATI TEAS Secrets Study Guide 6% 15% 2% N/A
  • Author: Mometrix Test Prep
  • Amazon Rating: 4.7 stars
  • in-depth review
  • versatile study materials
  • tested test tips and strategies
  • practice questions and detailed explanations of the answers
  • examples aren’t followed by exercises
  • pricey
  • no practice exams

Final Verdict

Overall, the ATI TEAS Secrets Study Guide is one of the best TEAS prep books out there. It’s comprehensive, includes lots of practice questions, and detailed explanations.

However, the book doesn’t follow all examples with exercises. It also doesn’t include any practice exams.

This could leave you wondering if you’d be able to apply your knowledge on the actual exam. The biggest drawback, in my opinion, is the price.

It’s not outlandishly expensive, but the Kindle version could be cheaper. At the time of writing, it’s more expensive than the paperback.

2 - ATI TEAS 6 Full Study Guide

ATI TEAS 6 Full Study Guide

The ATI TEAS 6 Study Guide, published by Smart Edition, has 8 practice tests, more than 100 video lessons that cover all the topics on the test, and hundreds of flashcards to review everything you’ve learned.

Practice tests replicate the TEAS exam, and with so many tests available, you won’t run out of practice questions before you take the TEAS.

Smart Edition claims they help over 10,000 students pass the TEAS yearly, and they have a ton of positive reviews on their website.

They also offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, so if you don’t like their online course, you’ll get your money back, no questions asked.

Student Score Improvement Average Largest Improvement Smallest Improvement Book Accuracy Result
2 - ATI TEAS 6 Full Study Guide 7% 19% 3% 97%
  • Author: Smart Edition
  • Amazon Rating: 4.6 stars
  • Contains a scored practice test report
  • Money-back guarantee
  • Access to a Facebook study group
  • Customized study plan
  • You’ll need a lot of study time to cover everything

Final Verdict

If you’re looking for a detailed guide with a lot of practice than this is the book for you.
With 5 full-length practice tests and 850 test questions, it will definitely guide you to see your own weaknesses and give you a solid idea of what the test will actually look like.

However I wouldn’t recommend it being your only source for studying science. Even though immensely detailed, many users describe it as lacking in science.

Overall, with it’s low price point it has proven to be an excellent study guide that you can easily supplement with another science manual.

3 - Spire Study System & ATI TEAS VI Test Prep Guide

ATI TEAS 6 study guide: spire study system and ATI TEAS VI test prep guide

Though the rating is a bit lower than for the other books on this list, I still think this is one of the best TEAS guides out there.

It’s based on the Cognitive Recall theory. According to this theory, the best way to learn something is to split your time between learning, reviewing and quizzing yourself.

Also, you need a break between these stages.

That’s why this book comes with a customizable 30-day study plan based on this theory. It not only tells you what to study, but also when to get maximum results. This means your entire TEAS practice is organized for you.

The guide includes 2 full practice tests and over 300 test questions. However, it only explains the answers for the two practice tests.

Also, this is one of the shorter TEAS review guides on the market, which could be both a plus and a minus depending on how much prep you need or want.

Student Score Improvement Average Largest Improvement Smallest Improvement Book Accuracy Result
3 - Spire Study System & ATI TEAS VI Test Prep Guide 6% 17% 5% 96%
  • Author: Spire Study System
  • Amazon Rating: 4.4
  • customizable TEAS study plan
  • 2 practice tests
  • affordable price
  • 300+ practice TEAS questions
  • spelling and grammar errors
  • key ideas aren’t explained in depth

Final Verdict

Whether I’d recommend getting this review guide depends on how much practice you need. If you need more practice, then this guide might not be the best option for you. You’d want something that offers more details.

On the other hand, it’s perfect for those of you that want a quick, brief overview of all subject areas. This is especially useful if you don’t have a lot of time to prepare.

Also, the ATI TEAS 6 Study Guide will equip you with a done-for-you plan. This comes in handy if you’re struggling with organizing your own schedule.

4 - Trivium TEAS 6 Exam Prep Manual

ATI TEAS test study guide 2020-2021: TEAS 6 exam prep manual and practice test questions for the test of essential academic skills

Trivium Test Prep has a solid reputation for its study guides, and this guide is no exception. It covers reading, math, science and English and language usage in depth.

While it only includes one practice test, it does give you access to additional, online practice materials. These include flashcards, additional practice questions, study cheat sheets, and 35 tips for achieving a high score.

It does cover almost all subjects in depth, but it lacks some information about human anatomy and physiology.

Student Score Improvement Average Largest Improvement Smallest Improvement Book Accuracy Result
4 - Barron's ACT 36, With Bonus Online Tests 6% 18% 6% 97%
  • Author: Trivium
  • Amazon Rating: 4.6
  • online flashcards
  • study cheat sheets and tips
  • additional study resources
  • comprehensive study material overall
  • not suitable for a quick review
  • only one practice test
  • science section lacks some crucial details

Final Verdict

The free online resources that come with the book really make it unique and extra helpful. The guide itself offers a comprehensive test preparation, even if it lacks some details in the science section.

My only concern is that you only get one practice test, which might make you feel unprepared for the actual ATI TEAS exam. But, if you can find practice tests on your own, then this won’t be a problem.

5 - Kaplan's ATI TEAS Prep Plus

ATI TEAS Test Prep 2020 and 2021: ATI TEAS Study Manual

Kaplan’s book is much like the other TEAS study guides I reviewed. It has a reading, science, English, and math section. But it also offers helpful online materials. One of these is a simulated TEAS test, a 50-question QBank that you can solve in real time.

Note that you won’t be able to retake the test. It’s only available for a one-time practice.

Kaplan also offers students their money back if they don’t score higher on the ATI TEAS exam after using their review guide. Lastly, it contains glossaries with important terms that are likely to come up on the exam.

Student Score Improvement Average Largest Improvement Smallest Improvement Book Accuracy Result
5 - Cracking the ACT with 6 Practice Tests 6% 16% 7% 95%
  • Author: Kaplan Nursing
  • Amazon Rating: 4.7
  • detailed review
  • glossaries for key concepts
  • two full practice tests with explanations
  • money-back guarantee
  • retaking the practice exam isn’t possible
  • pricey

Final Verdict

It’s great to see authors standing behind their study guides. Kaplan does this by offering you your money back if you don’t see any score improvement. At least that’s what they claim on their sales page.

Overall, this guide will make you feel prepared for your TEAS test. No doubt about it. I like that it has two practice exams, but dislike the fact that you can’t retake the one that’s available online -- and the only one that simulates the actual test.

6 - Test Prep Books: ATI TEAS Study Manual

ATI TEAS prep plus: 2 practice tests with proven strategies

This TEAS study guide offers three basic things: review materials, practice tests, and test-taking strategies. It’s split into three parts: reading, math, and science sections.

I particularly like that this guide offers an overview of the TEAS exam in the introduction and tells you exactly what to expect. With that said, publishers did make a few glaringly obvious mistakes.

Here’s how one reviewer explained it:

“While this is a solid guide, it is poorly revised. (...) I find a lot of information is repeated, word for word...just few pages down from the initial presence.”

The reviewer goes on to say that some information seems to be missing as well: 

“For example, one question asks "Which of the following statements best describe Samuel's sample size?" Yet there is no passage mentioned before or after that remotely mentions a Samuel or a study! Another scenario is in the science section. It states, "refer to the image below..." Yet, there is no image below.“

- Christina

The guide also offers a ton of practice test questions and explains the answers thoroughly.

Student Score Improvement Average Largest Improvement Smallest Improvement Book Accuracy Result
6 - Test Prep Books: ATI TEAS Study Manual 5.50% 15% 4% 97%
  • Author: TPB Publishing Amazon Rating: 4.6
  • detailed overview of all test areas
  • study strategies
  • answer key and explanations
  • examples of TEAS questions and practice tests
  • needs revision
  • pricey
  • language usage isn’t covered

Final Verdict

All in all, this is one of the most comprehensive TEAS exam prep books. It includes a good balance between theory and practice, which I believe is crucial for getting a high TEAS score.

However, I think publishers should have paid more attention to the content. A lot of information is repeated, word for word, and other pieces of information are missing. Considering that it is one of the pricier TEAS study guides out there, you’d think you could expect a bit more effort.

5 Quick Fire Tips for Your TEAS Test Day

table view of man student answering a test paper

The guides I've reviewed here are the best TEAS study guides you can find. Most of them are specifically designed for the sixth edition of the exam.

However, it’s up to you to decide which one suits you the best, based on:

  • Your weak areas
  • How much study time you can invest
  • How much extra practice you need

Each of these study manuals have their strengths and weaknesses. But all of them provide a thorough ATI TEAS practice that will help you feel prepared for the test day along with these useful tips:

  1. Rule out answers. If you don’t know the right answer to a TEAS question, first try to eliminate the answers you know aren’t correct.
  2. Apply scientific reasoning. Again, if you don’t know the right answer, ask yourself which one makes the most sense based on everything else you’ve learned.
  3. Practice good time management. Don’t get stuck on a question you’re unsure about. Move on and return to it at the end of the test if there’s some time left.
  4. Read the question first. Don’t jump to the passage before you’ve read the question. You won’t know what to focus on and you’ll waste time by going back and forth between the question and the passage.
  5. Pay attention to the wording. The question sometimes contains the answer -- or, at least, gives some valuable hints.

Read More:

What's the Best TEAS Test Study Guide?

You could prepare for your big TEAS test day on your own. But having done-for-you study material is always helpful.

Many prospective students said that the guides helped them organize their ATI TEAS practice. They didn’t have trouble focusing or staying disciplined. Their study manuals told them exactly what to study and equipped them with tons of helpful practice problems.

Ultimately, you should decide which study guide is right for you. Consider what you want to get out of your TEAS practice -- as well as what your chosen nursing program wants to get from you.

ATI TEAS secrets study guide: teas 6 complete study manual

Our #1 Recommendation

ATI TEAS Secrets Study Guide

  • in-depth review
  • versatile study materials
  • tested test tips and strategies
  • practice questions and detailed explanations of the answers
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