The GRE is a challenging test required to get into many graduate schools.
In order to get a high GRE score, you need to prepare for the exam properly. If you want to take the GRE test, you should obtain high-quality test prep materials and do practice tests.
Finding materials with many helpful hints, tricks, and practical tips on approaching each question type is crucial.
Today, we’ll review a prep book that offers everything you may need - the Princeton Review GRE Premium Prep 2022.
What is the Princeton Review GRE Premium Prep 2022?

The Princeton Review GRE Premium Prep 2022 is one of the top preparation books for the GRE.
This study tool contains clear descriptions of every question type and full-length model tests with detailed explanations of every correct and incorrect answer choice.
It offers students everything they may need, from practice questions to useful strategies that can help them get a high score on the test day.
Benefits and Highlights:
The Princeton Review is a well-respected company and a leader in test-prep services.
With their 2022 GRE prep book, you get their expert test-taking strategies, practice questions, tips, and more.
1. Online Supplemental Content
This guide provides you with exclusive access to premium online content, including study plans over multiple weeks and links to video tutorials containing tactics for taking each GRE section.
Exclusive online content includes information about testing calendars, application requirements, and grad school admissions.
I found the videos to be extremely helpful in learning how to be a better test taker.
They were solid, to-the-point videos with information that was easy to grasp quickly.
2. Tips and Techniques

The book provides strategies for pacing on the exam, time management, and approaching problems when you are running out of time.
It also offers hints for guessing logically and avoiding the tricks and traps embedded in the test.
Throughout the book, I found the Princeton Review actively highlighted their strategy sections.
Along with ideas for alternate approaches and traps to watch out for, I felt I was being given a behind-the-scenes look at the actual exam.
3. Study Material
The Princeton Review GRE Premium Prep 2022 gives you a complete review of relevant GRE content.
Additionally, it provides bonus coverage of mathematics, including algebra and geometry.
My opinion is that the content review is where the Princeton Review shines.
It is thorough and engaging in a way that helps you absorb the information with little effort.
4. Practice Tests

The Princeton Review takes pride in its practice tests and questions designed for students to prepare well for the exam.
For example, drills are provided for each section of the GRE (Analytical Writing, Math, and Verbal).
There are two full-length practice exams located in the book and another five tests located online.
Online tests come with in-depth score reports so that you get an understanding of your preparedness level.
I found the seven full-length practice tests invaluable as study tools, and those alone are worth the price of the study guide.
When you add in the review material, this GRE prep is well worth the money.
You will also get a $100 discount on The Princeton Review's full Self-Paced GRE online course [1].
- Seven full-length GRE practice tests included
- A thorough review of all content covered by the GRE
- Plenty of online supplementary information and study material
- A discount on the Self-Paced GRE online course
The most evident downside is that, even though Princeton Review gives you tons of practice questions similar to those found on the GRE, it cannot compare to the quality of those published by Educational Testing Service (ETS), the maker of the GRE.
However, once you run out of ETS questions to practice on, the Princeton Review is well worth using.
- The Princeton Review questions are not quite as close to the actual GRE as the ETS practice tests
Comparison to Other Products

The Princeton Review has created an excellent GRE review book.
It certainly compares well to other programs on the market - particularly in the thoroughness of the review and the number of practice tests offered.
Kaplan, a well-known name in test prep, offers the GRE Prep Plus 2022, but it has fewer practice tests than the Princeton Review while costing about the same.
It makes sense to get the book with the additional test in it.
Manhattan Prep’s GRE trainer contains over 1,800 practice problems, but they are not organized into full-length practice exams.
This limitation makes Princeton Review’s GRE prep book a superior product.
Mometrix’s GRE Prep has an excellent review of the concepts, procedures, principles, and vocabulary needed for the GRE.
However, it only comes with a single practice test. In comparison, the Princeton Review is a much more complete and well-rounded package.
Other GRE Prep Books We've Reviewed:
How Much Does it Cost?
You can find the Princeton Review GRE Premium Prep 2022 for $19.99 on Amazon.
Given the access to so many practice tests, this price represents a true bargain.
You can also get the Kindle version for $12.99.
Other Users’ Experience

My discussions with test-takers have been very positive about this prep book.
They rave about the strategies.
One said that the strategies were more important to her passing the GRE than the study content.
Another one was a huge fan of the practice tests.
He liked that the prep book included a large number of questions and also how thorough the explanations of the answers were.
In the end, everyone I spoke with got good results with the Princeton Review.
Do I Need a Prep Course?
No, you don’t need a prep course. Whether or not you will get a prep course depends on your preferences.
Some students need a full GRE prep course, while others only use prep books to prepare for the exam.
What Is in the Premium Version?
The premium version offers access to online materials, including tests, videos, and useful information.
Princeton Review GRE Prep Book
There is a lot of pressure on anyone who is taking the GRE General Test.
You need to be well-prepared so that you can get a high score and get into the graduate program of your dreams.
The Princeton Review GRE Premium Prep 2022 is a great resource to help you achieve that goal.
It is an all-in-one solution for getting ready for the GRE.
The Princeton Review is a well-respected test prep company, so you be assured that they know what they are talking about.
At less than $20, the practice tests alone are worth the price.
Click here to check out the Princeton Review GRE Premium Prep.

We Recommend
Princeton GRE Prep Book
- Seven full-length GRE practice tests included
- A thorough review of all content covered by the GRE
- Plenty of online supplementary information and study material
- A discount on the Self-Paced GRE online course

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