
Best AP Italian Textbook from Barron's (2025 Update)

William Cohen
Published by William Cohen
Last Updated On: December 8, 2021

One of the most effective ways to earn extra credits and get into the college of your dreams is by enrolling in an AP foreign language class. The AP Italian Language and Culture course will provide you with a detailed background regarding the Italian way of living.

Since this class is equivalent to a college-level course, you'll probably find it pretty challenging at this point. There are several ways to ace both the course and the exam at the end of the school year.

Start by choosing the best AP Italian Language and Culture textbook. Here's our thorough review of the top-seller among the best AP Italian books.

Best AP Italian Book for 2022

Barron's AP Italian Book 2020 Review

Barron's AP Italian Book 2020 Review

Barron's AP Italian Book 2020 is a best-seller when it comes to AP Italian preparatory review books.

This brand new Barron’s manual offers the most recent and frequently asked questions on the advanced Italian exam to give you updated information as you prepare for the upcoming AP Italian exam.

Barron's AP Italian book reviews the 5 main parts of AP Italian and provides detailed commentaries on all review sections. You'll also find several practice tests complete with answer keys to track your progress during your preparation.

We like how the test-taking tips and strategies are presented in each section, making it easy to follow and understand.

Key Features of the AP Italian prep book:

  • 2 full-length model exams with answer explanations
  • 1 mini diagnostic test
  • All practice tests contain answer key, illustration, and self-evaluation charts
  • List of Italian idioms, glossary, and grammar review
  • 3 audio CD for the oral exam preparation that includes both the listening and speaking sections
  • Comprehensive AP Italian prep book
  • Affordable price
  • Includes a useful diagnostic test
  • Includes Italian idioms and actual conversations
  • The format may be different from the new AP exam

Things To Consider

The AP Italian exam is approximately 3 hours long and has two sections -  multiple choices and free-response sections.

Section 1: The Multiple choice sections have 70 questions and answerable within 1 hour and 20 minutes. It consists 50% of your final AP exam.

  • Part A - In this part, 30 to 34 questions are given, and you have a total of 25 minutes to complete this part.
  • Part B - The second part contains 36 to 40 questions, and you have 55 minutes to solve all the questions.

Section 2: This is the free-response section, in which 4 tasks are given.  You are given 1 hour and 28 minutes to complete the exam. It comprises 50% of your final AP exam score.

  • Part A - Written tasks are given, 70 minutes allotted to complete the section.
  • Part B - Spoken Responses, 18 minutes to complete the section.

Our Final Thoughts

If you wish to pass your AP Italian exam with flying colors, we recommend that you start by learning the key concepts. Barron’s AP Italian book of language and culture contains a comprehensive discussion of the Italian language fundamentals, making it our top choice when it comes to the best AP Italian exam prep books.

You can use the mini diagnostic test to gauge your readiness at the start of your AP Italian exam preparation. After learning each concept, we also encourage you to answer the practice tests as this will help you understand and master the subject in preparation for your upcoming AP exam.

Barron's AP Italian Book 2020 Review

Our #1 Recommendation

Barron's AP Italian Book 2020 Review

  • Comprehensive AP Italian Language and Culture resource
  • Affordable price
  • Includes a diagnostic
  • Good amount of practice tests
  • Includes Italian idioms
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